Reduce Pain -- Relieve Stress and Anxiety at Fairfield CT Health Touch Massage
When you receive a massage, it should be as unique as you are. At Health Touch in Fairfield, your session begins with a medical history and consultation about your concerns and goals. Your massage is customized to your specific needs on that day. You will receive a massage designed to reduce your pain, speed the healing of your injury, or decrease your stress, safely and effectively.
The benefits of massage are cumulative. One massage is beneficial in the short term. When you receive regularly scheduled massages, each one builds on the progress of the previous massage. If you wait too long, your muscles can tighten up again and stress hormones accumulate.
Massage soothes your body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic massage can restore balance between your nervous system and muscular system, speed the exit of dangerous stress hormones from your body, and make you feel calm and relaxed.
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